Wednesday, July 27, 2011


     My best friend moved to Mississippi to be with Michael, her baby daddy. So unfortunately i did not get to spend alot more time with her after the last ultrasound. From her phone calls I could tell she was fatigued, had to pee alot, and could not sleep comfortably at night anymore.

     5 days after her due date my best friend called me and told me to come to her hospital because they were going to enduce her labor. I drove 5 hours frantically to make sure I didnt miss a thing. I arrived around 6pm and got to spend time with her and Michael before the baby came. After a long night in an uncomfortable chair helping my friend make it to the bathroom and back several times, her water broke around 6am. She and I always thought that after the water breaks the baby comes out, but no. She was less than halfway dialated and her contractions were getting worse. A baby can still live 12 hours after the water breaks though(a fact i did not know), so the nurses were not in a hurry.
     She was given more medicine to enduce her, and none of it worked. With the contractions becoming more intense by the muinite she requested an epidural. Now, after the epidural she kept telling Mike and I she fely a stabbing in her back and that something was wrong and that the pain medicine wasnt working. The nurse came in a few times and assured her it would only take a minute to start working. After about 20 minutes of screaming clawying, crying and cussing, the doctor decided to check her eppidural, and it had slipped or was placed wrong. So she had to get the sppidural redone completely. After that the pain meds kicked in. . . and she literally fell asleep during labor, snoring and all.
     The doctor came in occassionally to check her dialation, but 2 hours had passed and there was no change. Shortly after her nap My best friend woke up, and her blood pressure plumetted, and so did the baby's heartrate. Mike and I could barely hold ourselves together, it was so frightening to watch her moniter's numbers drop so low. The nurse came in and put her on oxygen and around 11:40 the doctor decided it would be best to do an emergency C-section.

This is before they took her back for operation.

Then, there was this:

So now we welcome Ollie Dax into the world and wish Kristin goodluck in this beautiful new chapter of her life.



Friday, April 8, 2011


          I can't imagine the feelings a mother experiences during her first ultrasound. It is a major part of the pregnancy process to watch your child as it grows. But at the moment you first see with your own eyes the baby in your own womb, it must be an undescribable moment of joy.
          I did not have the privaledge to accompany Kristin to her first ultrasound, though i heard about it the second afterwards and got pictures. None of this compaires to my experience yesterday.
        On April 8th, 2011 Alex and I went with Kristin to her ultrasound. The first thing we observed was the fluttering chambers of his heart. To make sure the baby is developing properly they have to be able to visually identify the four chambers of his heart. When watching a baby's heartbeat in the womb it is not yet strong enough to beat, the fragile developing muscle flutters opened and closed gently pumping blood. It seems so calm to be a baby, safely growing in the loving nook of mother's womb.
        After the heart we got to jiggle him a little to wake him up because he was sat at an odd angle. The technician was attampting to get a good picture of his head. The baby turned looked at the camera and then turned around sideways. I swear he looked at us. He was mad we woke him up, but too sleepy to care. We got a lovely picture of the side of his face cuddled up snugly up to his toes.
        The last item on our agende was to observe his male parts, just to make sure it hasn't changed it's mind. Allthough he was laying legs together hiding his penis, his testicles were defulutely there. . . and they were as big as his little baby fists. So, I dont think he will be changing his mind anytime soon.

Now, to plan the baby shower!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

My Best Friend and Her fishy-fetus-baby

           Way back before Kristin got knocked up we partied 24/7/ Even if it was just in the car dancing to Lady Gaga and talking, life was a party. She still is the life of the party at 6 months in.

            She is now 27. At 18 she was married to a very religous egyptian Muslim man and their marriage lasted 6 years. When they were wed she was required by his religion to sighn a waiver stating that if her husband met an untimely death and they had children, Kristin's custody of the children would go to the grandparents. Problems came from this and therefor there were no kids, and inevitably she left him.

          I met Kristin around August 2010 at a party. We were instiantly best friends. That party was followed by many others, lots of hanging out, and lots of conversations. Within 2 monthsshe had met Michael, and conceived a child.
          I did not beleive the text. It read "I'm preggers!! :]" I thought it was a joke. I laughed about it and made alot of slut jokes, but she was serious. Kristin was delighted, as we all were once it sunk in. I LOVE Kristin and her baby bump. After the Inital schock was over, it was time for prenatals and doctor visits.
                 Michael was just as excited as any of us and has been with Kristin through it all. They are going to be a great family. Though he lives in Mississippi and we are in Alabama, he comes here, she goes there, and they are ALWAYS on the phone. I can tell how excited they are.
             Im the first few months I began hoarding baby items and we all write down names, endless names. Though, all the good ones were girl names. We had settled on the name 'Aluhra Jewel Husky' (Husky is the last name). We would call her 'LULU' for short and spoil her rotten.
             Ultrasound after ultra sound we could not wait to find out the sex so we could begin buying Lulu everything she would need to be taken care of and everything a baby could ever want. Soooooooooooo the day came where we found out that there was a penis on the baby, and it was declared a boy. Though unexpected, still a blessing.
             Pregnant women are subject to alot of bloodwork, tests, and vitamins. Among the tests done on expectant mothers is a precautionary test for chromosomal abnormalities. Kristin's test came back positive, and we were all scared. This meant that the child could have downsyndrome. The procedure done to test the baby directly for the condition is called and Amniocentesis. This procedure carries with it a 2% chance of miscarriage since it is direct to the baby. She did not know if it was worth the risk. I was the one to tell her that we need to know because we need to be prepaired. For the wellbeing of the baby we cannot go without knowing. She went through the procedure.
             Two weeks past and we got news back that the baby was absolutely normal. We were thankful. Allthough, we would love him anyway there are difficulties to raising a handicapped child that would be expensive and at times heartbreaking.
             So here we are now 6 months in registering at Target for gifts and seeing wich prego pants look best. She is getting bigger everyday and im nervous to be a Godmother. Though i have experience with childcare, this is going to be the closest i'll ever be to being a mom.

Afterall, picking out breast pumps and baby surveillence systems  is as close to being a prego that I can get without the bump.

         The baby shower will be within the next 2 weeks and im excited to be throwing it. All of our friends and family are entirely involved with Kristin and supporting her in every way we can. It takes a villiage to raise a child you know. At least I wont be the one birthing and Breast feeding him! I'll settle for naptime cuddles and strolls on the weekends, as long as I can give him back!